
Friday, June 12, 2015

Enchanting Budapest A City of Light and Dark and many Contrasts

Budapest, is a tale of two cities, one, Buda, high and pompous on a hill overlooking the Danube that separates it from the other, Pest, a lively mix of modern and historic.  And like the Dickens "Tale" Budapest is a city of contrasts.  Of freedom, and oppression. Of joy and sorrow.  Of lightness and darkness.

It's a city of monuments and statuary, like this lifelike one of Ronald Reagan (much revered in Hungary) and the another of this historic policeman.
A city of bustling places like The Central  Market

of historic vistas

from the summit of Buda.

A city with tragic reminders like these plasterized shoes left behind "Shoes on the Danube" during the Holocaust in Pest.  

with Ruin Pubs using the remains of Communist-era buildings for art and nightlife.

Birds flicker in the lights of Parliament  at night.

People swim in the Bath Houses all day -- ( like the Szechenyi Bath below)

Street entertainers abound, many very unique.

The Great Synagogue has sad reminders

while the opera house stuns.

And people enjoy life in all sorts of ways

in a beautiful city of light and dark.

A city of reverence and awe,

and of amazing food.

Of remembrance and respect.

and joy and hope:

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The Clock at Musee D’Orsay