
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Traveling Solo in London

Recently reading a blog from Isabelle's Travels (@isabellestravel on Twitter) on traveling alone in Paris caused me to reflect on some solo travel of my own.  Perhaps the city I have spent more time alone in than any other in the world outside the US is London.  Having had several jobs that took me solo to London and then later accompanying a spouse who had business there..... I have wandered and discovered much of the city on my own on travel there.

True having a companion to share discoveries with is part of what I love about traveling.  But I also love the undistracted and totally self-directed momentum that touring and exploring a destination unescorted gives me.  Decisions on whether to stop at a cafe or take the tube here or there are totally mine.  Time spent in a museum or not totally up to me.  Taking photos with abandon without disrupting a companion's experience is ok.

For that reason while I had objectives for my touring days of London,  i.e. some target destinations, I generally was loose about it leaving room for discovery or lingering where particularly intrigued.   One of my favorite things to do would be to have an early breakfast..... I loved a cafe...which now has many locations throughout London.. Patisserie Valerie.  They serve the most incredible scrambled eggs with toast or croissant and coffee.  There I could linger over my travel books and plan the day.... in the quiet ambiance of the place.  Or, if I were staying at a B&B which I frequently did, I would take the typical English breakfast and perhaps chat with another guest.

I took my notebook and made my plan...carrying it with me during the day to jot down observations.  As a aside,  no matter where I am, I always have a notebook and a camera.  Even if you're not a writer or blogger carrying a notebook especially when alone gives you the opportunity to jot down impressions that you can relate to friends and family later on.  It also acts in a way as a substitute companion.... gives you a sense of being on purpose... and not as self-conscious about being alone.  

My solo journeys through London in addition to all the obvious places took me to spend time observing a session of Parliament, to sip afternoon tea and munch on delicate sandwiches especially at Browns, to wander through the Tate Museum for hours and  gaze at the Turners, to visit the Courtauld, an exquisite gem of a museum with an excellent impressionist collection, through Covent Garden and to Portobello Road for antique shops and much more.

But the solo experience that stands out for me above the rest is that of going to the theatre by myself.  The first play I saw in a theatre on my own was in London.  The theatre was packed... I had a seat way up in the highest section of the balcony and was cramped in amongst other Americans who had gotten terrible, last minute seating.  It didn't matter.  For the first time here was this incredible cast singing their hearts out "Can you hear the people sing..." and the rest of the audience, the humid air of the old building, the uncomfortable seat, even the distance from the stage were shut out.  I could only hear the singing and see the colorful staging and costumes. This magnificent performance was just for me..... and I loved it!

1 comment:

  1. Truly inspirational. I was in London last summer with my Mom as a graduation gift (we started there and went on a cruise through the Mediterranean). Now as a college grad I long to go back to London and explore it a bit on my own. I found this blog while googling solo travel in London. Thank you for sharing, this gave me more insight and more excitement.



The Clock at Musee D’Orsay