Harbors and rivers are ablaze, with mega-yachts, cruisers, sailboats, kayaks, and other flotables sporting every starry decoration imaginable from Christmas trees to naughty Santas. It's Christmas time on the water. And ever since the first little line of boats with lights strung from their masts set sail, holiday lighted-boat parades have become bigger and more extravagant each year.
With the economy still wobbling, it remains to be seen along the shore whether this year's celebrations will be as spectacular as those in more fiscally robust seasons of past years. However, a quick survey of websites dedicated to the parades indicates that, despite the economic climate, the parades will float on as elaborate as ever (boat owners spending as much as $40,000 to deck the halls of their vessels according to one website).
The waterside Christmas celebrations, most of which start showing up next weekend (the first weekend in December) and continue through the month up until the weekend before Christmas, are usually run by Chambers of Commerce, Yacht Clubs or Visitors Bureaus as a draw for communities on the water to not only the parades, but to local restaurants and shops. For example, the Newport Beach, California parade, one of the oldest, if not the oldest, of this type of spectacle (this year is the 101st parade) attracts millions of viewers each year, many of whom reserve tables at waterfront restaurants. Hey when you can't offer a white Christmas, boats with glistening decorations playing strains of Jingle Bells are a great way to make the holiday merry and bright. And Newport Beach, whose holiday regatta sails between Balboa Island and Pennisula, starts the season right with 5 consecutive days of boat parading beginning December 16.
Not to be outdone, the festival of lights for these boating extravagances often extends to shoreline residences and busineses as well. Creating runways of light for the parades, owners throw large parties where canal or harbor front docks are strung with lights and lawns and lanais bedecked with lighted Santas, reindeers and more. In the tiny waterfront town of Punta Gorda in Southwest Florida, for instance, boat parades wind through a maze of canals passing homes elaborately lighted for the procession.
The historic waterfronts of Alexandria, Virgina and Annapolis, Maryland will also sparkle during this holiday season. Alexandria's 10th regatta of lights which launches this Saturday, December 5, will navigate the Potomac from Washington to Alexandria's dock. Appropriately, Annapolis will welcome Santa from his boat rather than a sleigh the following Saturday.
The big daddy of the Lighted Boat Parades, Fort Lauderdale's Winterfest Parade is an entertainment extravaganza, entitled this year "That's Entertainment." The December 12 show, and it is a show, actually includes what the parade sponsors describe as giant showboats with musicians and dancers. Highlighted features of this year's 38th Annual splash of mega-yachts and more are "Anthony's Coal-Fired Pizza Showboat," the Clydey Foundations "Cirque" Floating Finale, and a "Phantom of the Opera" show. This year's grand marshals include celebrities Alonzo Mourning and Kim Kardashian.
Here's a rundown on some of the best upcoming Lighted Boat Parades:
Parade | Dates and Times | More Information |
Newport Beach, CA | 12/16-12/20 6:30 PM | http://www.christmasboatparade.com/ |
Punta Gorda, FL | 12/5 6-9 PM & 12/19 6 PM | http://youbelonginpuntagorda.blogspot.com/2009/11/punta-gorda-lights-up-harbor-and.html |
Annapolis, MD | 12/12 6-8 PM | http://www.eastportyc.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=58&Itemid=32 |
Fort Lauderdale, FL | 12/12 6 PM | http://www.winterfestparade.com/winterfest_schedule_of_events.cfm |
Marina Del Ray, CA | 12/12 6 PM | http://www.mdrboatparade.org/home.htm |
Venice, FL | 12/5 6-8 PM | http://www.venicechristmasboatparade.com/ |
Alexandria, VA | 12/5 4-6 PM | http://www.virginia.org/site/description.asp?AttrID=26951 |
St. Augustine, FL | 12/12 6 PM | http://www.sayc2000.com/R_Blair_Maintained/LightsRegatta_2009.html |
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